The World is Our Classroom

During the school year of 2013-2014 I had a goal of helping my students understand the power of their mobile devices when it comes to learning. I achieved this, in part, by going paperless in my classroom and asking students to demonstrate learning through multimedia products instead of tests. Inspired by Sylvia Tolisano's session at BLC14 in Boston , one of my personal and professional goals during the 2014-2015 school year is to show students that the best learning happens when we leverage all of the resources available to us. While I might be their history teacher, I'm usually not the person with the most expertise available. In fact, the world is available to my students. They just have to tap into it. This week my students will be meeting and talking with Jamie, an Explainer at the Museum of Science and Industry in Manchester, England. Jamie from MOSI Manchester. My sophomores have worked hard to learn the proper terminology and the social and econom...