Going Paperless Isn't About the (Lack of) Paper

There is both excitement and criticism around the paperless classroom movement. Both camps have good intentions, but neither is focused on the right thing. It isn't about paper, or the lack of paper. It is about what the tech makes possible when learners push themselves to get creative. For my students and I, "paperless" was not a hard and fast rule. It didn't mean that anyone was forbidden from using paper. It just meant that we explored all possibilities, including paper, when determining the best route. Most of the time, we found the best learning experiences occurred when we were collaborating, producing, and sharing using paperless means. What Does "Paperless" Really Mean? Paperless means better questions ( Grant Wiggins style ). Paperless means less textbook and more open education resources (OER). Paperless means learning activities (not lessons). At the MassCUE 2015 conference this week I had the opportunity to share this model with a ro...